The Natural Choice

Your pet deserves the best quality, natural food, without additives...

Dogs and cats are carnivores,
at the core of their diets.

Blue Ridge Beef serves only the highest quality, USA-sourced meats and organs available sourced from USDA-certified and inspected human consumption plants, as well as local farms to support our communities.

Meats are then processed in state-of-the-art USDA registered and FDA-inspected facilities using the same quality control standards as human consumption.

Raw Food Benefits
dog eating raw food

Your pet instinctively craves a natural diet.

Feeding a raw diet closely mirrors what dogs and cats would eat normally in the wild.

Safe, 100% Pure Meat

No additives or preservatives. USDA, FDA approved facilities provide the best quality for your pets. View the Blue Ridge Beef production video.

Not all protein is equal.

Meat is healthier. Pets lack specific metabolic pathways and cannot process plant proteins as efficiently as animal proteins.

Health benefits are noticable.

From coat and skin, oral health, and general well-being of your pet to digestion, allergies, and stamina... raw meat is better.

Weight management works better.

The serving guide suggests a healthy adult dog eats between 2-4% of its weight daily. Puppies need to eat up to 10% of their weight daily.

Bodies built for raw meat

Your pet's digestive system and process are designed to break down and assimilate protein, bones, and fat, while enhancing health.

For Dogs and Cats

Both dogs and cats are carnivores and benefit from raw meat diets, and each have their own raw meat options and preferences.

Safe and Yummy
tipper tie blue ridge beef

High Pressure Processing (HPP)

Blue Ridge Beef uses HPP, the most safe and healthy way to process food. It kills bacteria, while leaving proteins and enzymes intact.

blue ridge beef meat tube

Raw Meat is Safe FOR PETS

Enzymes and nutritional values are lost in the cooking process. Keep raw foods frozen, until it is ready to use and feed all within 24 hours.

dog eat bone

Don't Forget Dessert!

Bones clean your dog’s teeth and provide a nice oral workout, with a healthy dose of natural calcium. Plus, dogs love them.