Plan Your Meals

To use our serving calculator:

  1. Select the category that describes your dog or cat
  2. Enter the weight of your animal (in lbs.)
  3. The system will show a suggested daily serving amount. Servings can be adjusted according to your pet’s level of activity, current weight, etc.



















Safe and Yummy
tipper tie blue ridge beef

Raw Meat for Dogs

Give your dog the best mix of essential vitamins and nutrients with the Blue Ridge Beef flash frozen, raw meat.

blue ridge kitten mix

Raw Meat for Cats

Feeding a raw meat diet closely mirrors what cats would naturally eat in the wild and provides a broad range of healhty benefits.

dog eat bone

Don't Forget Dessert!

Bones clean your dog’s teeth and provide a nice oral workout, with a healthy dose of natural calcium. Plus, dogs love them.